Tis the season for goal setting so I thought I would pass along a couple of Educator Evaluation TeachPoint tips:
1. If you go into TeachPoint and you are concerned that you cannot see any of your files from last year, do not be concerned. You can access your previous year's files by clicking on the arrow next to "Current Year" and changing it to "Last Year".
2. A TeachPoint enhancement now makes it possible to attach Google Drive files or links to any form. For example, if you click on one of the paper clips on the Artifact Form you now have options for Google Drive files and links.
3. When setting your goals, you no longer need the Goal Setting Form. Since your goals are also listed on the Educator Plan Form, the Educator Evaluation Committee determined that the other form is redundant. You can initiate your own Educator Plan Form by clicking on "New".
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask your Educator Evaluation Committee representative. Since our contract says Educators should submit proposed goals and plans 'on or about' October 1st, our goals are already due or will be due soon.